Edit WordPress Menu

  1. Login to Your WordPress Dashboard:
    • Open your web browser and go to the login page of your WordPress site (usually, it’s yoursite.com/wp-admin).
    • Enter your username and password to log in.
  2. Access the Menu Editor:
    • Once logged in, you’ll be in the WordPress Dashboard. Look for “Appearance” in the left sidebar.
    • Hover over “Appearance,” and a submenu will appear. Click on “Menus.”
  3. Select the Menu to Edit:
    • If you have multiple menus, select the one you want to edit from the dropdown list under “Select a menu to edit.”
  4. Add Items to the Menu:
    • On the left side, you’ll see different options to add items to your menu, such as Pages, Posts, Custom Links, and Categories.
    • Check the items you want to add and click the “Add to Menu” button.
  5. Arrange Menu Items:
    • After adding items, you can arrange them by dragging and dropping. Simply click and hold the item, then move it to the desired position.
  6. Create Custom Links:
    • To add custom links (URLs that aren’t pages or posts on your site), use the “Custom Links” option on the left. Enter the URL and a Link Text, then click “Add to Menu.”
  7. Configure Menu Item Settings:
    • Click on each menu item to reveal additional settings. You can change the Navigation Label (the text that appears on the menu), add title attributes, or add CSS classes.
  8. Create Submenus (Optional):
    • To create submenus, drag a menu item slightly to the right (below and indented from another item). This makes it a submenu item.
  9. Save Your Menu:
    • Once you’ve made changes, click the “Save Menu” button to save your changes.
  10. Assign the Menu to a Location:
  • Depending on your theme, there will be a section called “Menu Settings” or similar. Choose the menu location where you want your edited menu to appear on your site.
  1. Preview Your Changes:
  • Before leaving the Menu Editor, you can click “Preview” to see how your menu will look on the live site.
  1. Publish Your Changes:
  • Once you’re satisfied with your edits, click “Save Menu” one final time to publish your changes.

That’s it! You’ve successfully edited your WordPress menu. Remember that the exact steps might vary slightly depending on your WordPress version and theme, but the general process should be similar.