The Media Library is where all images used on the websites are stored – this includes Product Images.
Click on either Media or Library to access the Media Library page.
The screenshot below shows the Media Library page.
Click on either of the “Add New” buttons / links to add a new image or other file to the Media Library.

In the next screenshot below, we’ve clicked Add New and followed the prompts to upload an image.

Once the item has uploaded it will appear on the page.
From here, we can either:
- Return to the Media Library (highlighted above), where the image will now show in the Library, or
- Click Edit (highlighted above) to open the particular image within the Media Library.
For our current purposes, we won’t need to use the Edit functionality.
Returning to the Media Library, we can see the item is now included there with other items.
The image is now available to be added to a Page or Product, which we’ll cover in following guides.
Go back to main Wood We Create Guides page.